Chuck Cusimano's music is getting played in various parts of the globe. With the Gena Roberts Ten Song collection of Cusimano compositions, there have been reports of a lot of airplay overseas. France, Germany, England, Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden, and other spots have given reports of much airplay for every single released of the 2010 Terajaye release of "Shuffle Back To Me" Her rendition of "When HE Does Me Right" (Since a Female is singing it) is reported to be very well recieved among the European Country Music Fans. The Title Song has recieved much airplay for about a year, and still is lurking close to the top of the rotation.
Chuck has had similuar action also with his CD (released last year also) "Swing Me A Song" The title track recieved a lot of airplay both overseas and here in the good ole U.S.A. The second single released off that album, "Let Me Off In Texas" also garnered some extensive airplay. The latest single from the collection, "Trouble's In The Bottle" is delighting a large number of folks both here and over "There".
Lonnie Spiker's cut (on His "Comming To A Honky Tonk Near You") of the Cusimano tune, "Another Day In The Life Of A Fool" is getting played in many places, both in the U.S. and overseas. It was doing well on the SiriusXM Radio program, "Willies Place” until the format was changed drastically by Merging Willies Place with The Roadhouse, to become Willies Roadhouse, which for a very unpopular decision to drop a lot of the younger “Newbies” trying to help keep our Great Traditional Country Music alive.
Chuck has just released a brand new Cd this fall, which contains 12 Traditional Country/Western Swing songs and two BONUS Christmas songs. (14 tracks in all) Chuck had recorded some of the songs earlier on in his Carreer, but felt the only Cassette Tape copies he still had didn’t have the luster of the newer capabilities in todays Recording studios, so he went back in and re recorded “Damned Demons” and “Gonna Go Dancin’ Tonight”. (The latter was only included as a release on Chuck’s Cassette from 1994, “Cowboy Poems And Country Music Vol II”
Also on the new CD, “I wrote This” is another cover of his song, “San Antonio Waltz” First recorded by his late, friend and former boss, Joe Paul Nichols, (Who also recorded, “Gonna Go Dancin’ Tonight) {San Antonio Waltz was also covered by the Texas Trail Hands a few years back.}
It is interesting, that Chuck found an old song he had written and forgot about titled, “Two Steppin’”. He woke up one morning and the song was “Playing in my head.. like a tape recorder, but the words weren’t comming. Just the tune and a few phrazes.” He happened to be looking through some papers he had and discovered some old pages he had written songs on “A long time back”, and there he found the lyrics to “Two Steppin”. He pulled the song out one night at a dance, and “It lived up to my expectations. By the middle of the song, the crowd was singing the title along out on the dance floor.” Two other song that he had never recorded, but played them at dances that were popular with the dancers, were “San Antonio Blues”, and “That’s All”
The first song on the New CD is, “Man In The Moon”. In Chuck’s words, here’s that story,
“My good friend, Les Buffham, who is a heck of a Cowboy Poet and award winning songwriter, has been after me to “Co-Write” with him for several years. He has sent a few ideas through the years, and although they were very good ideas, I didn’t really feel I could add to them in a productive manner. Then one day I got an E-Mail from Les, and he had this one that caught my attention right away. I copied it and called him. He said he wanted it to be Western Swing, since it talked about Bob Wills and A Fiddle. I told him that was what I was hearing too. I created a melody and chord structure, Mood and attitude, and tweaked the lyrics, demoed it with just me and a guitar, and sent it to him. He liked it. I recorded it with the proper musicians and it went on my new album and will probably go on Les's next album too.”
There are a lot of things on the horrizion in the Cusimusico Publishing Company that are likely, but it is best to not say anything until it happens, because in this business, things change overnight, or with a thirty second phone call.
Let’s just say there could be some great things in store for Chuck Cusimano and Cusimusico.
Chuck and his favorite Fender Telecaster, "Old Yeller"
Billy Martin, Royce Glenn, and Chuck